Vector Information |
Size (kb): 13.0 Vector: pUCD2 (plasmid) Promoters: Promoter none Construction: pBR322, pSal151 Marker(s):ampR,kanR,spcR,tetR Construct size (kb): 13.0 Features: marker(s): ampR, kanR, spcR, tetR promoter: none replicon: pMB1, pSa151 terminator: none enhancer: none |
Comments |
A broad host range amplifiable cloning vector. This is a broad host range amplifiable cloning vector for use in complementation studies of cloned inserts in Agrobacterium tumefaciens. It was constructed by fusing pBR322 with pSAl51 plasmid and was shown to have lost 2.5 kb on each side of the BglII site giving it a positive vir region complementation in Agrobacterium tumafaciens. Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): PstI--13; EcoRV--13; KpnI--13; SalI--13. |