Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): EcoRI--6.8; PstI--6.8; EcoRI/PstI--4.9, 1.9; HpaI--6.8; BglII--6.8. The insert contains HpaI and BglII sites. The depositor notes that the fibrinogen clones (ATCC 59706-59710) are suitable for applications in gene mapping or involving nucleic acid hybridization, but they are not suitable starting material for expression in mammalian cells. The clones do not encode the signal peptide necessary for assembly and secretion and one is known to lack a single nucleotide in the coding region. The ability of this probe to detect the BclI polymorphism was verified by Jeffrey Murray, University of Iowa. Originally cloned as a PstI fragment. The beta-coding sequence was subcloned and the 5' end manipulated with linkers to add a cistron. The encoded protein begins at the first amino acid of the circulating protein. |